
Looks for moles


Everyone has moles. Some even think that the more there are, the happier the person. Scientists have a different opinion on this matter - the more moles, the higher the risk of their degeneration.

According to statistics, each person has an average of 20-40 moles. Although there are champions. How not to miss the moment and when to worry? The most dangerous thing that a harmless and even cute mole can turn into is melanoma, the most aggressive skin cancer. True, it is insidious: small in size, good camouflage, rapid spread.

Dangerous moment

Moles appear shortly after birth, and as a person grows older, their number usually increases. They can be yellow, brown, black. This is all within the normal range. But sometimes the mole begins to grow unevenly and stain, its surface becomes "polished", or it begins to bleed. Then the mole requires close attention. According to doctors, in 80% of cases existing moles are degenerated into melanoma.

Doctors recommend regularly inspecting themselves and their old and new moles on their own. Everything that looks unusual, clearly indicates the need for a dermatologist's consultation.

Experts have developed an abbreviation with which it is easy to track possible changes. In the West they call her ABC (alphabet) of melanoma.

A (asymmetry): asymmetry. The mole grows unevenly. Normally, if a straight line is drawn through the middle of the mole, the halves should be symmetrical.

B (borderirregularity): uneven edge, rugged, fuzzy - one of the signs of rebirth. A benign mole usually has clear, even edges.

C (color): color. Normally, a mole is entirely the same color. If there are blotches of black, red, gray shades, you need to see a doctor.

D (diameter): diameter. If the mole is more than 6 mm in diameter (approximately the size of an eraser at the tip of a pencil), it requires the supervision of a specialist.

E (evolving): variability. This refers to the variability of any characteristic: color, shape, size. Normally, moles remain unchanged throughout life.

In the presence of alarming symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a dermatoscopy when the doctor examines a mole with a powerful increase and enhanced illumination through a dermatoscope. Thus, you can create an individual moles photocard. The device takes pictures of them, and then a special program creates a kind of map, fixing each formation on the skin. The next time a person comes to the doctor, it will be possible to compare last year’s and current’s cards. Dermatologists are confident that such cards are an excellent tool for the early diagnosis of melanoma.

Special attention

There is a category of people who need to triple attention to their moles. First of all, these are those who have had cases of melanoma or other oncological diseases in the family, as well as those who have already had suspicious moles removed. In addition, people with fair or red hair and fair skin are at increased risk.

You can remove all moles, even if they, as the doctors say, are calm, but not well located, interfere or simply do not like.The method of reprisal, of course, is discussed with a dermatologist. However, only a surgeon’s scalpel is suitable for suspicious moles, because you will need to analyze and find out what this formation was and whether there is a health risk.

Modern equipment allows you to almost completely remove moles, even on the face. If the scar remains, it can subsequently be corrected with a laser.

5 reasons to see a dermatologist:

1. The mole has darkened or, conversely, has acquired a lighter shade.

2. Redness of the mole itself or the inflammatory process around the spot. To miss such inflammation is difficult.

3. Tingling, burning, any other sensations in the places of moles. In a calm state, they are insensitive.

4. Any of the letters described above appeared ABCs (ABCDE).

5. On the mole, hairs grew, and suddenly they began to fall out.

Risk factors

The sun

Chocolate tanning has nothing to do with health. Ultraviolet rays cause DNA damage and are the main cause of skin malignancies. The more often a person is in the sun, the higher the likelihood of unpleasant consequences. Scientists attribute the risk of developing melanoma to sunburns received in childhood.


5-10 minutes in the solarium are equal to a whole day on the beach! His visit increases the risk of developing melanoma.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 5/2013

Text: Elena Babicheva. Photo: annkozar /

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: How to recognise if a mole is normal or suspicious (January 2025).