
Nonrandom and beloved child: we plan pregnancy in advance


Modern couples are approaching the important stage of child planning more and more responsibly. We are not talking about any "accidents" - the partners are preparing for the onset of pregnancy in advance.

Gradually getting used to the very idea of ​​having a baby, thinking over the material side of the issue and solving health problems. Thus, the desired child will be born in a strong and healthy family, which stands firmly on its feet.
And in order for all the necessary components to form a perfect puzzle and conception to happen at the time planned by the parents, you need to try. In this article, we will recall the factors that influence the conception of a healthy baby, and provide some useful tips that will come in handy when planning a pregnancy.
Only 25% of couples manage to conceive a child in the first month after the start of the effort. But doctors say that most couples need about a year of constant sex. Conception is a sacrament, a delicate process, many factors influence it. By the way, an excessively saturated sex life is not at all a guarantee of success. Better less, but better - 3-4 times a week and enjoying the process.It would be superfluous to constantly calculate the optimal time and, having barely opened his arms, immediately run to the pharmacy for a test.

Before conception, both partners need to make sure that their state of health will allow them to give birth to a healthy child. It is necessary to exclude or detect and treat infections in advance, undergo examination, adjust weight, visit the dentist, and take the necessary preventive vaccinations. Analyzes performed during pregnancy planning will also help determine the compatibility of future parents by the Rh factor, and an ultrasound scan will help assess the condition of the male and female reproductive systems. It goes without saying that bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol must be discarded. Passing a medical examination, it is advisable to visit genetics. The doctor will give a forecast about the likelihood of hereditary and genetic diseases.
When preparing to become parents, carefully monitor the medicines that you take, remember that some of them can negatively affect the body and even affect the formation and development of the fetus. For example, analgesics can inhibit the hormonal background, and antihistamines cause vaginal dryness. Antibiotic treatment is even better to carry out before conception planning.

A couple planning a baby needs to adjust their daily diet. The key to successful and quick conception is proper nutrition and providing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.A diet rich in nutrients and fiber and less experimentation with trendy diets or exotic cuisine. Daily include vegetables, fruits, greens in your menu. Allocate a significant place in the diet to legumes - in them the body will find proteins and iron, which ensure the good functioning of the ovaries. It is impossible to imagine a balanced menu without fish dishes: salmon, for example, is a source of omega-3 acids, which are responsible for the flow of blood to the uterus. Potatoes, wholemeal bread and whole grain cereals will help fill the body’s need for complex carbohydrates. But it is better to refuse sweets: it is proved that sweets inhibit the production of progesterone, the very hormone that is so necessary for conception.
Maintaining general and reproductive health with quality vitamin complexes is essential. Not always the products on our table are of decent quality, and they cannot fully satisfy the body's need for useful substances. Specifically, in order to provide the body with micronutrients useful for the reproductive system, such complexes were created for men and women, Speroton and Pregnoton. These drugs are designed for those who are in the early stages of child planning.

Pregnoton contains iodine, folic acid, vitamins E and C, B6 and B2, magnesium, selenium and zinc, which are necessary for the successful conception and development of the fetus in the early days, when a woman may not yet know about her pregnancy.In addition, the composition is enhanced with arginine, an amino acid that improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the state of the endometrium. To normalize the level of prolactin, Pregnoton contains the associated Vitex extract. Pregnoton is available in powder form, packaged in sachets. This form of release avoids auxiliary components that can cause allergies in expectant mothers.
Speroton helps increase male fertility, because it contains substances necessary for spermatogenesis and testosterone synthesis, and therefore has a positive effect on the concentration, motility and structure of spermatozoa. Sperotone contains L-carnitine in “working” dosages, folic acid, vitamin E, selenium and zinc. Speroton is also available in the form of sachets to reduce the amount of excipients.

Of course, planning a long-awaited child is not a matter of one day. But when parents think about the future of their child, they are obliged to put in order and themselves. Investing in your health at the stage of planning conception - you invest in the health of your baby!


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