
How not to overeat without diets


You like to eat delicious food. And this ordinary human joy became the cause of your "Custodian" forms ...

And from time to time you try to lose weight, "go" on a diet, in the best case, lose a few pounds, and then return them back, and even more than that. And reproach yourself for not being able to control yourself ...
Then it's time to analyze your behavior. Answer your questions honestly: why do you eat When and where do you eat? How do you eat?
Why. In response to this question, there are many reasons: you are bored ... for example, at work, and you wait, not, when the work day finally ends. To make time "drag" faster, you decide to eat something. Or when you are doing a tedious job, you need to “chew” something so that the work does not get on your nerves ...
You have a problem in your personal life. Or stress, trouble at work, excitement before the upcoming test. And you immediately run to the refrigerator, which has become for you a magic "chest" of comfort. There is even such an expression "seize stress." It helps ... But in weight gain too.
You are unhappy with yourself. You don't like yourself. It seems to you that others do not like you. Especially if you differ from them in waist volume. And you waved your hand at yourself and without thinking give yourself first to passion, and then passion ... tasty and eat a lot.
When, where and how. Have breakfast on the run between the kitchen and the bathroom. Quickly brew a cup of coffee and stuff in your mouth at least something, just to eat before work. Then a second breakfast at the computer or on a table littered with documents. Of course, a second breakfast from a vending machine or from a tent on the way ... Then you may need to “seize” stress, and you will run to the vending machine again with food. And at lunch you go out with the staff to the tent or to the dining room, where, immersed in their worries, in a hurry, eat a full meal. Etc. And at home you need to relax, you do not have the strength after a busy day, and you are fed up with what you bought in the "cookery" on the way? And at night - you cannot fall asleep without it - a bag of chips in front of the TV screen, computer ...

Do you have at least one of the bad habits described above? This is bad - you need to try to get rid of it.
The question is how? The most unpleasant thing is - admit to yourself - that food plays a secondary role for you. She is like a cure for everyday problems. You must become a lover of beautifully designed and deliciously prepared food. You must become an esthete and a foodie. The absorption of food should turn into a pleasure for you. Then the amount of food will not be critical for your body, and you can limit its amount (or calories) to the desired volumes and numbers. Do not forget only that due to the specific structure of your figure and the characteristics of the body, the result may not be turning you into a thin model, but “just” achieving your individual optimal weight. But this will be your main victory!
Do not try to go on a diet.It is better to eat normally five days a week, and on weekends allow yourself to eat plentifully and from the heart, but in an environment that causes spiritual peace and satisfaction.
Try to monitor the composition of the food - this is important for health. See how much fat or sugar (or worse - both at the same time) is what you eat. A thick slice of fat cheese, a few slices of sausage, not to mention the different pastries bought in the tent ... It's too much. Moreover, every day. Maybe it's better to spend time and fry yourself chicken breasts with vegetables?
And a few more tips:
□ Four small meals are much healthier than three large ones.
□ Very often, your body also requires food because it lacks vitamins and minerals. Review your menu and eat more vegetables and fruits, fish, as well as kefir and yogurt.
□ An old English proverb says: "one apple a day - and you don’t need a doctor." Apples contain pectin - a natural antibiotic; in addition, apples help fight swelling and normalize the digestion process.
□ If you are a romantic and sensual person, communication and beautiful serving will help you to limit yourself in food.
□ Eat calmly, without haste. The slower you eat, the sooner the body will give you the signal "I'm full".
□ Drink more fluids - it’s best to teach yourself to drink plain mineral non-carbonated water or sugar-free tea.
□ Go to supermarkets and stores with a list of what you need to buy and don’t buy more than what you’ve already calculated and written.
□ You don’t have to order cakes at the cafe. Try to limit yourself to a cup of cappuccino - perhaps you will like it even more: finally feel the taste of good coffee ... no extras?
Photo: burdastyle; PR
The material was prepared by Elena Karpova.
