
Elevit: for the baby to be born healthy


Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life. Amazing metamorphoses occur during these nine months, and not only with the body.

This time is filled with happiness, warmth and love for the baby, who will soon be born in order to completely change the life of parents. However, pregnancy is also a very responsible period, because the correct development and health of the baby largely depends on the future mother.
Thinking about pregnancy, many women are worried. They are worried about changes in their own appearance and internal state, as well as responsibility for the health of the future baby. And this can be understood: the unknown and the absence of such an experience form a lot of questions in the future mother’s head, for which she has no answers yet. For a comfortable pregnancy, a positive attitude, a favorable emotional background, the formation of which will help communication with a doctor, the study of information in various sources, and the experience of already held moms, are extremely important. And also it is worth revising your lifestyle: abandon bad habits, switch to proper nutrition, reduce physical activity to moderate.
In large cities, due to the lifestyle and various environmental factors, even with a proper and balanced diet, the female body can receive less nutrients in the quantity it needs - especially in such an important period,as preparation for pregnancy. That is why it is necessary in advance (about two to three months before the proposed conception) to start taking special multivitamin complexes and continue it throughout pregnancy.
Early preparation for pregnancy and its deliberate planning is a relatively new trend for Russia, which is most common among women with higher education and higher than average income, living in large cities.
In the regions of Russia, as well as among the older generation, pregnancy is more often perceived today as a natural process that does not require preparation.
“We often plan something: vacation, business, education, moving ... And we practically do not plan our life,” says famous psychologist Elena Novoselova. “Unfortunately, the phrase“ planning a child ”still sounds very strange. Although the positive impact of planning is obvious. When the couple begins to prepare for the birth of a baby in six months or three months, to take vitamins, we get a completely different psychological attitude to the process. It really unites and strengthens the relationship. "
Before pregnancy, it is important to undergo a complete medical examination in order to identify and solve possible health problems, as well as to select an additional source of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for this period of a woman's life. This is especially important in the realities of large cities, where it is not easy to find products that can make up for the deficiency of nutrients, while revealing their correct proportions necessary for the body.
For instance, "Elevit Pronatal" satisfies the daily need of the female body for vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the health of the future mother and baby. Prior to pregnancy, such support will prepare the body for bearing a child and will be a prophylaxis of congenital malformations, and within nine months it will help the proper development of the fetus and positively affect the well-being of the future mother.
Pregnancy often brings unpleasant symptoms, especially in the first months. Reception of a special complex "Elevit Pronatal" reduces the frequency of toxicosis, significantly reduces the likelihood of anemia.
The expectation of a child is a unique time, anticipating the emergence of a new life. And if you approach him prepared, these 9 months will remain in your memory only as joyful emotions and memories.
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
